
First off, let me put this out there. I am going to call it as I see it. No political correctness. This is going to be straight talk. No sugar coating. I hope this is clear enough for you. If you get offended easily, or get offended and mad at every little comment made, then I suggest you don’t read any further.

I am open to discussions, comments, and so forth, but if I deem the discussion or comments as being made out of anger or spite, making threatening comments, the discussion will end and comments will be deleted, and you will be blocked from accessing this site. Let’s keep it civil.

Now the reason for this site, And We Wonder Why.

There are a lot of things I wonder why about. Yes, the world is a different place than when I was a kid. Different values and morals. Different rules, policies, and laws. It’s about time for someone to speak out and stand up for what they believe in – which I guess is me. I know I am not the only one who is fed up with hearing it’s a different world – that doesn’t make it right.

These just scratch the surface of things I wonder why about.

This is probably my worst pet peeve of them all – positive reinforcement. One way it has been explained, by a psychiatrist no less: if you have a child behaving badly in the….Read More

What has happened to parents disciplining their kids? I see it all the time, kids screaming at their parents, kids wanting this and that at the store, being told no, and then the kid….Read More