Gender Identity

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Symbol for female gender

Symbol for male gender

Protect Our Children

Growing up you either had boy parts or girl parts. There was no such thing as binary or other fictional genders, or at least as kids we never heard of them. Now there are all kinds of genders popping up. I can’t help but laugh at them. Sorry, but it is funny.

You are either born with a penis or with a vagina. All this crap I hear about feeling like the other sex is just that crap. For example, a boy is born with a penis, he grows up and let’s say he turns 12 or 13 and all of a sudden he feels like he should be a girl. How in the world does a kid at that age have any idea what they are talking about.

They are kids, let them be

It used to be we protected kids from this type of thing, now we just flaunt it in front of them. they are kids! They have no idea what they are talking about! I hope more states and countries outlaw letting kids make a gender change. I really do. Can you imagine what would happen if a boy or girl at age 12 decides they want to be the other sex and as they mature more and more, they realize what a mistake it was and wishes someone had spoken up for them? How devastated do they would feel then?

That same kid might end up resenting their parents, doctors, and society at the least. Or hopefully not, but they may take their own life. Kids have no business making this type of decision. They should at least be 18 before they are allowed to make it. They can’t even buy liquor until they are 21, but we are going to let them make this decision? It is time for society to really sit back and take a good long look at itself. Is this really how we want to the world to be? Is this and more what we want our kids exposed to? I say NO!

I may get labeled a hater or a bigot, but these are my values and morals and how I raised my children. I get this gender crap pushed down my throat, but when someone takes a stand against it, they are labeled as haters. That is wrong. I have the same freedom of speech as everyone else does. Which by the way is disappearing and before long we won’t have freedom of speech – that’s for another post.

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